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South Orange Little League


South Orange Little League All-Stars


Part of the tradition and excitement of being an officially chartered Little League is the opportunity to participate in the Little League International Tournament each summer.  This is commonly referred to as “All-Stars.”  The Little League All-Star Tournament begins at the district level.  We, South Orange Little League’s in case means we participation in District 3 tournament, and ultimately culminates at the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.


All-Stars, including practices and games, runs from early June through sometime in July (it’s depending on how far the team advances).  Tournament teams cannot begin practice until we officially announce the All-Star selections on June 1st.  All-Star teams will likely practice four to six times a week leading up to the actual tournament.  The District 3 All-Star tournaments for all divisions will begin in mid-June.

All-Star Commitment Information

All-Star Tournament play is intensely competitive and requires dedication beyond the requirements of the regular Little League season.  Consequently, only those players, managers, and coaches who desire to commit their time and effort will be considered.

To be considered, a player must:

·         Be available for all practices (usually four to six days a week) Starting June 1st.

·         Be available without interruption from approximately June 1st to mid-July (dates will vary based on how far the team advances in the tournament).

·         Have played in 60% of South Orange Little League team’s regular season game (unless medically excused in compliance with Little League rules and regulations).

Participation on an All-Star team is voluntary.  But potential players and families must understand that there are both costs involved and different mandatory/minimum play rules that govern All-Star Tournament play.  If selected, the player’s family will be required to shoulder some of the cost and agree to respect and accept all coaching decisions concerning line-ups and playing time without complaint.

Players Name:____________________________________      Division:__________________________ 


Parents Name:_______________________________________ Date:_____________________


Mandatory Play Requirements

The All-Star program in unique in embracing all Little League rules and regulations, particularly in terms of a focus on merit-based play.  Coaches, players, and parents should be reminded of this difference from the beginning of this process.

The rules for mandatory play in the All-Star Tournament are governed by Little League International.  The rules are substantially different from those that govern SOLL regular season and playoffs.  The rule are as follows:  If a tournament team has thirteen (13) or more eligible players in uniform at a game, then every player on the team roster shall participate in each game for a minimum of one (1) at bat only.  If a tournament team has twelve (12) or fewer eligible players in uniform at a game, then every player on the team roster shall participate in each game for a minimum of six consecutive defense outs and bat at least one (1) time.

The focus of the South Orange Little League All-Star program is to produce teams that properly represent the league goals of good sportsmanship, good teamwork, and excellence on the field.  This latter goal has more meaning in the All-Star program.  All-Star Tournament play is the one SOLL activity where winning takes a very high priority.  This focus on success, when coupled with the nationals mandatory play rules noted above, can result in players who, while dominate on their regular season team, suddenly find they spend significant game time on the bench, or play unfamiliar positions.  While these are excellent learning and emotional growth opportunities for players and parents, some are surprised and disappointed when it happens to them.  Players and parents should recognize that the experience gained from practices, and even limited playing time, is quite valuable in a player skill development.  While coaches should endeavor to give each player an opportunity to demonstrate their ability during the All-Star tournament.  Players and parents should recognize that the manager and coaches view as to the best approach for the team success will be control of the decision-making process.


Administrative Requirements

Paperwork and Fees:

In order to play on South Orange Little League All-Star team, all players must live or  attend school within our boundaries.   League boundaries are something that Little League International strictly enforces. Failure to turn in the required forms will disqualify player(s) from All-Star involvement. 


If selected for the All-Star team, you will be required to provide:

·         An Original copy of the player Birth Certificate (birth certificates will be returned once the tournament is over).

·         Three forms of proof resides in the leagues boundaries.

·         The fees which go towards the cost of the uniform and tournament registration.  $___________


We have no control over these rules and cannot grant any waivers.

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